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Mold poses a significant challenge to homeowners, affecting both health and property. Mold growth indoors presents a range of risks, from allergic reactions to structural damage. Thriving in damp and humid conditions, it can be hidden behind walls, cabinets, and under flooring, making early detection difficult until it becomes apparent through musty odors or visible signs.
Since real estate and health are among our most valuable assets, it is crucial to understand the risks involved in mold mitigation and to engage professionals with the necessary expertise. Our team emphasizes the importance of professional mitigation and the crucial role of restoration experts in returning properties to their pre-loss condition.

Addressing Black Mold Concerns

A common concern is black mold, often assumed to be the toxic Stachybotrys chartarum. However, mold color alone doesn’t indicate type or toxicity. While some molds can produce mycotoxins, it’s important to note that the presence of any mold type signals moisture issues that need addressing. Professional testing and remediation are essential in these instances to ensure a safe environment, dispelling undue worries by focusing on laboratory results and proper moisture control.


Professional Remediation

Addressing mold infestations promptly and effectively requires professional intervention. Our company adheres to strict safety protocols and IICRC restoration standards, ensuring timely and efficient mold mitigation. Our approach is guided by hygienist recommendations, especially concerning containment placement and air pressure management during the remediation process. Effective mold control and prevention hinge on addressing moisture issues at their root. Professional identification and remediation are crucial for dealing with larger mold problems comprehensively. Our approach not only addresses immediate mold issues but also ensures the property’s restoration to its original state, emphasizing the importance of both remediation and construction restoration. As licensed commercial general contractors, Global Restoration not only remediates mold but also repairs the damage it causes, ensuring properties pass post-mold testing and maintaining both structural integrity and resident well-being.


IICRC trained mold technicians perform the following:

Contents Drying provided to salvage personal property

Structural Drying performed using specialized equipment and techniques to extract water effectively

Specialty Drying: Hardwood Flooring, Concrete, Crawl and Confined Spaces

Sewage Removal: Cleaning Decontamination

Mold Remediation following all EPA and OSHA guidelines

Odorox Technology to eradicate or prevent odor caused by standing water or mold

Anti-Microbial Treatments: Preventing Mold Growth

Complete Rebuild Services including all interior and exterior construction

Third Party Hygienist Testing